Friday, 13.05.22

9 AM to 4 PM

1:1 health-checkup

In English

Emotional eating

Emotional states and situations can significantly influence or change the entire eating behavior. This often leads to consumption of especially unhealthy foods in large quantities. This may increase the mid- and long-term risk of weight problems and nutrition-related (metabolic) diseases.
Using scientifically based questionnaires, we record whether and to which extent you engage in emotional eating. You will either receive a graphical presentation of your mood typing or the classification of a specific eating type. Based on respective results, recommendations for action that are suitable for everyday life are presented, as well as healthier alternatives including recipe ideas.

It is as easy as that

  1. Book an appointment online
  2. Laptop, tablet, smartphone or desktop, optional with camera and microphone
  3. Internet connection
  4. Access via web browser or Microsoft-Teams-App